Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not exactly a brilliant start, but as usual there are many things to do around here.  I have been trimming and pruning trees, hauling limbs, needles, weeds and debris down to the burn pile, and starting to organize things to put the house on the market by March 1.  We hope to sell the house and buy acreage with water rights and pasture, probably in Fallon.

I need to rent a storage space and begin clearing the house of extraneous items to make it seem less cluttered and more spacious (hard to do with 940 square feet).  So things need to be sorted, packed and hauled.  Everything, like windows and baseboards and cabinets, needs to be cleaned, the paint touched up, and minor repairs made.  I also have to repair one of the horse sheds since Hen decided to punch a hole in the wall and chew two days ago.  It's an ongoing project for her, so I'm trying to work out how to do repairs and discourage her from further destruction.

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