Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I swore I would keep this blog up as soon as I knew for sure we were getting a farm. But of course, we closed on the place April 15 and had three days to move before L.D. went to Alaska. We put up a dog yard and kennels and moved a few other things in that time, but since then I've been on my own to manage the move.

With help from friends and relatives, we are mostly moved. The area around the house has been fenced so there are two layers of fence between the dogs and the road. The geese and chickens have been moved, though sadly, not before coyotes got in and killed several geese and half the chickens at the old place. As soon as the dogs were gone, they came in.

The mares and colt are here and one ram and ewe. Still waiting for the rest of the sheep to be hauled in. Much to do here, from getting sheds and barns built to building larger pens for the poultry and permanent pens for the sheep. Then we'll have arenas, round pen, and other working areas to construct.

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