Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another lamb yesterday. Fall lambing is definitely underway. This was a single ram lamb out of the #8 pure Barb, who usually twins. Nice lamb, though.

Built two portable panel fences yesterday to wean Shadow. The fences are about five feet apart so mare and colt can see and smell each other but not touch. Shadow was upset, Lexie not so much. My plans for moving mare or colt for the moving fell through. One friend had colts with respiratory problems, another place had pigeon fever. As it turns out, pigeon fever is rampant locally this year and I was unaware of this until last week. Now I just have to hope it bypasses our little farm.

The Scotties have settled in and are not so nervous. They baa at me for their breakfast showing they know where food comes from anyway. The five ewes came from Utah and the ram from Michigan. We have big hopes for growing a nice registered flock and having some challenging sheep for the dogs to work.

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